Created by Nicole on 6/5/2023 in #🙋|general-help
How to Debug 404 Error - Is this VSF issue or Spree Backend?
@Nicole I just came across this problem today. Digging into this, my understanding is that Vue sends the following get request to Spree to show the cart: GET "/api/v2/storefront/cart?include=line_items.variant.product.images%2Cbilling_address%2Cshipping_address". Because this is a fresh install, there is unlikely to be an order created, so spree returns a 404 error. If you add an item to the cart and then refresh the homepage does the issue disappear? This is the case for me. I am running both Vue and Spree on local which allowed me to pick up on the 404 error. It would have been impossible from the browser alone. Hope this helps.
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