Zions Tokes
Zions Tokes
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 7/17/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
/im error
No description
4 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 7/5/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
kicking people restarts respawn
well it seems when kicking some 1, it restarts the whole que now >.> removed some 1 who wasnt gonna be able to go, and it restarted the que and asked the current to accept again..
9 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 7/2/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
Respawn list update
No description
3 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 6/29/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
Respawn Position Bump
so with the new nabbot (which is great) we are able to bump a user to the "next" position of the respawn using the /respawn-manage bump-user function. this really really helps a lot when we have issues with the bot not accepting a claim, not passing etc... BUT it could be a bit better to have a secondary function to bump the user to be the current holder of the spawn (rather than the first next) the time could reset with this function. To better explain.. User A is next... User A is unable to accept the respawn for whatever reason.. User A loses the spawn and then the admin will have to fix it.. Now user B receives the Spawn.. with the current function, we have to have user Aclaim next, then bump him, then Kick User B or have User B leave , have User B claim next again, and then bump user B, just means we have to deal with 2 people rather than 1 .. hope that makes sense, i can clarify more if needed
2 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 6/28/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
missing respawn list
seems our respawn list went missing now D: ill see if tom can figure it out in the morning though unless some 1 knows possibly why sooner, thanks in advance 🙂
32 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Zions Tokes on 1/13/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
Respawn List Broken?
Looks like the respawn list link is broken
5 replies