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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Iluvme on 5/13/2024 in #general-help
Minecraft DNS and IPV6
Hey guys my ipv6 is correctly opened to the world my friends can connect but I cannot setup it on cloudflared (I gotta add 25565 port at the end) but it tells me this ain't a valid ipv6 which I guess is right, but how can I do ? tried with SRV no chance either
44 replies
Created by Iluvme on 5/1/2024 in #help
Connection Error SQLite and C#
Hi ! I'm trying to make a URL shortener in C# (whoa super original) anyways, I wanna store all of that in my little SQLite db but I stumble across an issue when I am connecting / closing, it seems that multiple connections at the same time and I cannot for the life of me find how to properly away, my bad code below.
21 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Iluvme on 4/6/2024 in #djs-questions
Looking for Feedback on a little project of mine
Hey guys ! I hope you are all doing well ! I am working a little project of mine that consists of modifying the way DJS commands are built and what not and I'd like some feedback on it. (more in the post)
30 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by Iluvme on 11/9/2023 in #djs-questions
What to import when using the Client
Hi guys, not really an issue regarding a piece of code, but I'm working on a little project on my own and I'd to know know how many imports there are in the 'new Client' for now, I have only stumbled upon GatewayIntentBits and Partials, is there more to it ? I'm adding options and they do not seem to require any import.
23 replies