✅ Sending an HTTP Exception in Web API
Hmmm... I'll look into it a bit more and bring that up at my next meeting as well. Thanks so much for all the help, I really appreciate it. It's so hard to find good advice for this on the internet because .net stuff has changed so much over time. You're a life saver
54 replies
❔ Encoding Confusion and string variables
They aren't. It's just something passed between two users to identify each other. Their actual account passwords are stored properly hashed and salted, but for reasons they need to be able to pass a string to eachother which is encrypted like this
6 replies
❔ Encoding Confusion and string variables
I solved this but I'll leave this here undeleted in case anyone else ever searches for something similar. Essentially the problem is that Encoding.GetString doesn't preserve the original bytes perfectly if they contain non-ascii characters. In my case they do. Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String do preserve the original bytes
6 replies