Created by LazyBoy on 12/6/2023 in #❓┊help
Change AdminPanelProvider primary color through model
I am trying to fetch a color value from a model and use it as a primary color in the AdminPanelProvider, but I ran into issues where I get the error "Call to a member function connection() on null" so I figured it is caused because of the booting order so I tried to fetch the value by adding
private $brandColor;

public function register(): void

$this->app->booted(function () {
$this->brandColor = Company::first()->brand_color ?? '#FF6921';
private $brandColor;

public function register(): void

$this->app->booted(function () {
$this->brandColor = Company::first()->brand_color ?? '#FF6921';
But when I access $this->brandColor outside the method it returns null, otherwise inside it returns the correct value. Is this the correct approach to change the primary color through a model and why am I facing this issue, or if I should take another approach if that is possible to do?
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