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DTDrizzle Team
Created by cal on 1/13/2024 in #help
Changing a column name completely breaks the queries
I went back and forth multiple times now and this is really weird. So when using the following schema and queries everything works as expected:
export const habitStats = pgTable(
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
habitId: integer("habit_id")
.references(() =>,
profileId: integer("profile_id")
.references(() =>,
completed: timestamp("completed", {
precision: 4,
withTimezone: true,
updatedAt: date("updated_at").defaultNow(), // this is set every time that habit is completed
(t) => ({
unq: unique().on(t.habitId, t.profileId),
export const habitStats = pgTable(
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
habitId: integer("habit_id")
.references(() =>,
profileId: integer("profile_id")
.references(() =>,
completed: timestamp("completed", {
precision: 4,
withTimezone: true,
updatedAt: date("updated_at").defaultNow(), // this is set every time that habit is completed
(t) => ({
unq: unique().on(t.habitId, t.profileId),
Upsert query
const query = sql`insert into
habit_stats (habit_id, profile_id)
(${body.habitId}, ${body.profileId}) on conflict (habit_id, profile_id)
completed = current_timestamp || habit_stats.completed,
updated_at = current_date
habit_stats.updated_at is null or
fate (habit_stats.updated_at) != current_date;`;
const query = sql`insert into
habit_stats (habit_id, profile_id)
(${body.habitId}, ${body.profileId}) on conflict (habit_id, profile_id)
completed = current_timestamp || habit_stats.completed,
updated_at = current_date
habit_stats.updated_at is null or
fate (habit_stats.updated_at) != current_date;`;
Reset query
const query = sql`update habit_stats set completed = completed[2:], updated_at = null;`;
const query = sql`update habit_stats set completed = completed[2:], updated_at = null;`;
when changing updated_at to completed_at while keeping everything else the same, I am getting the following error:
"name": "PostgresError",
"severity_local": "ERROR",
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "42601",
"position": "336",
"file": "scan.l",
"originalLine": 27,
"originalColumn": 10,
"routine": "scanner_yyerror"
"name": "PostgresError",
"severity_local": "ERROR",
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "42601",
"position": "336",
"file": "scan.l",
"originalLine": 27,
"originalColumn": 10,
"routine": "scanner_yyerror"
If I revert back to updatedAt and push the schema again, everything works fine... What am I missing here?
1 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by cal on 10/25/2023 in #help
`sql.join` with `ODER BY` leads to syntax error while the sql query seems correct.
I am conditionally sorting the results from a database query
const sortSqlChunks: SQL[] = [];
if (sorting.length > 1) {
const customSort = sorting.shift();
if (customSort) {
const [property, order] = Object.entries(customSort)[0];
sql`${ad[property as unknown as keyof AdSelect]} ${order} nulls last`,
sortSqlChunks.push(sql`${ad.publisherCreatedDateTime} desc nulls last`);

const ads = await this.dataAccessService
.where(inArray(ad.publicId, elasticSearchAds.publicIds))
.orderBy(sql.join(sortSqlChunks, ", "));
const sortSqlChunks: SQL[] = [];
if (sorting.length > 1) {
const customSort = sorting.shift();
if (customSort) {
const [property, order] = Object.entries(customSort)[0];
sql`${ad[property as unknown as keyof AdSelect]} ${order} nulls last`,
sortSqlChunks.push(sql`${ad.publisherCreatedDateTime} desc nulls last`);

const ads = await this.dataAccessService
.where(inArray(ad.publicId, elasticSearchAds.publicIds))
.orderBy(sql.join(sortSqlChunks, ", "));
The query builder returns the following query
sql: 'select ... from "ads"."Ad" where "Ad"."publicId" in (...) order by "Ad"."price" $26 nulls last$27"Ad"."publisherCreatedDateTime" desc nulls last',
params: [
', '
sql: 'select ... from "ads"."Ad" where "Ad"."publicId" in (...) order by "Ad"."price" $26 nulls last$27"Ad"."publisherCreatedDateTime" desc nulls last',
params: [
', '
Which seems to be correct. When executing the code I get the following PostgresError:
syntax error at or near \"$26\"
syntax error at or near \"$26\"
Something seems to be off with 'desc' but I don't have a clue what is causing this. Any help is appreciated
6 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by cal on 8/20/2023 in #help
findMany without additional options
When using const results = await db.query.habits.findMany() in my project, results is []. If add any option like
const results = await db.query.habits.findMany({
orderBy: [asc(]
const results = await db.query.habits.findMany({
orderBy: [asc(]
I get all habits in the table. Normally findMany() should be enough, shouldn't it?
6 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by cal on 7/24/2023 in #help
How do I define a composite foreign key?
Similar to this syntax in prisma?
%field% %Type% @relation(fields: [id, objectType], references: [objectId, objectType])
%field% %Type% @relation(fields: [id, objectType], references: [objectId, objectType])
I saw the section about composite primary keys but I didn't find anything about composite foreign keys. Thank you in advance
9 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by cal on 7/9/2023 in #questions
Handle custom error class in error UI boundary
Hey guys, I am throwing a custom error
throw new GQLError(workout.message, workout.__typename);
throw new GQLError(workout.message, workout.__typename);
in a subpage. I then try to handle it using a error UI boundary. Everything works as expected but
const isGQLError = error instanceof GQLError;
const isGQLError = error instanceof GQLError;
inside of error.tsx is always false. I assume nextjs internally handles/wraps the error. Is there a way to get a hold of the thrown error directly in order to display different UI in case of an GQLError? Thank you in advance
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by cal on 6/28/2023 in #questions
Where would I initialize a 3rd party API to use in TRPC routes?
I am currently initializing this client in server/client.ts similar to the global definition of prisma. I then import client in my TRPC router. Does this make sense or would it be smarter to do that somewhere else.
interface Client {
$ad: typeof api.$ad;
$ads: api.Ads;
$geo: api.Geo;

const globalForClient = globalThis as unknown as {
immoledo: Client | undefined;
abortController: AbortController | undefined;

const initClient = async () => {
if (globalForClient.abortController) {

globalForClient.abortController = new AbortController();
const { signal } = globalForClient.abortController;


api.$ = () =>
console.warn("Client unauthorized");

try {
const success = await api.$anonymousUser.profile.login(
console.log(`🏠 Client login ${success ? "✅" : "❌"}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("🏚️ Client login error:\n", error);

return api;

export const client = await initClient();
interface Client {
$ad: typeof api.$ad;
$ads: api.Ads;
$geo: api.Geo;

const globalForClient = globalThis as unknown as {
immoledo: Client | undefined;
abortController: AbortController | undefined;

const initClient = async () => {
if (globalForClient.abortController) {

globalForClient.abortController = new AbortController();
const { signal } = globalForClient.abortController;


api.$ = () =>
console.warn("Client unauthorized");

try {
const success = await api.$anonymousUser.profile.login(
console.log(`🏠 Client login ${success ? "✅" : "❌"}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("🏚️ Client login error:\n", error);

return api;

export const client = await initClient();
Best reards and thank you in advance 🙂
1 replies