DTDrizzle Team
Created by Harrie on 12/3/2023 in #help
Postgres 'with' returns null with basic setup?
Hi all. Trying to get my head around Drizzle's query API but I've hit a stumbling block. I've got a basic team (has many) users schema, and have created a route that gets the user's current team. This is done with the following code:
const data = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: eq(users.id, userId),
with: {
team: true
const data = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: eq(users.id, userId),
with: {
team: true
However, on logging out the result, the team field in the response object is null. Here is my schema.ts:
export const users = pgTable('users', {
id: varchar('id', {length: 256}).primaryKey(),
authId: varchar('auth_id', {length: 256}).unique(),
firstName: varchar('first_name', { length: 256 }),
lastName: varchar('last_name', { length: 256 }),
email: varchar('email', { length: 256 }).notNull(),
teamId: varchar('team_id', {length:256}).references(() => teams.id),
role: roleEnum('role').notNull(),
isStaff: boolean('is_staff').default(false),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').defaultNow(),

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
team: one(teams, {
fields: [users.id],
references: [teams.id],

export type User = typeof users.$inferSelect;
export type NewUser = typeof users.$inferInsert;

export const teams = pgTable('teams', {
id: varchar('id', {length: 256}).primaryKey(),
name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').defaultNow(),

export const teamsRelations = relations(teams, ({ many }) => ({
users: many(users),
export const users = pgTable('users', {
id: varchar('id', {length: 256}).primaryKey(),
authId: varchar('auth_id', {length: 256}).unique(),
firstName: varchar('first_name', { length: 256 }),
lastName: varchar('last_name', { length: 256 }),
email: varchar('email', { length: 256 }).notNull(),
teamId: varchar('team_id', {length:256}).references(() => teams.id),
role: roleEnum('role').notNull(),
isStaff: boolean('is_staff').default(false),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').defaultNow(),

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
team: one(teams, {
fields: [users.id],
references: [teams.id],

export type User = typeof users.$inferSelect;
export type NewUser = typeof users.$inferInsert;

export const teams = pgTable('teams', {
id: varchar('id', {length: 256}).primaryKey(),
name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').defaultNow(),

export const teamsRelations = relations(teams, ({ many }) => ({
users: many(users),
What might I be doing wrong here? Been stuck on this for a while.
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