Initial search params
In the worst case scenario I could modify your suggestion to do what I want now that I think about it. I could probably create a separate signal something like
and guard against that. Doesn't seem like the cleanest solution in the world tho heh6 replies
Retrigger fetcher in createResource on store change
For the context I'm simulating query params as an in memory Solid store and want to refetch data on their change. Thats why I'd like to pass the store as the signal. Conveniently it also becomes the fetcher argument
6 replies
How to use preloaded data
Cool, that does simplify things, thanks! Also you mentioned that that createAsync has cache? In the company we do kinda scuffed caching implementation based on just etags, so I would want to avoid of any caching done by the framework, I just implement my own on top of fetch itself
23 replies