Created by LastExceed on 5/29/2024 in #help
how do transitive dependencies work?
here is a project dependency diagram generated in rider: why do only 3 other project projects have a transitive dependency on Contenit.Interfaces (direct dependency of LVS_Common) even though all projects in the solution depend on LVS_Common in some form?
1 replies
Created by LastExceed on 5/2/2024 in #help
✅ how can i let an interface implement a function of a super-interface, instead of shadowing it?
public class MyClass : IOne;

public interface IOne : ITwo
public void Foo()

public interface ITwo
public void Foo();
public class MyClass : IOne;

public interface IOne : ITwo
public void Foo()

public interface ITwo
public void Foo();
this doesnt compile, because IOne.Foo is considered a separate function that shadows ITwo.Foo. how do i tell IOne to provide a default implementation for ITwo.Foo instead of shadowing it?
24 replies
Created by LastExceed on 6/2/2023 in #help
❔ null warning while indexing (rather than accessing) null-agnostic type?
first, lets look at a scenario where everything behaves as expected:
string[]? GetList() => throw new NotImplementedException();

var myList = GetList();
string a = myList.ElementAt(0); //null warning while accessing `myList` - as expected
string b = myList[0]; //same thing here - as expected
string c = myList[0]!; //this doesn't change anything, because its not the indexer but the variable that is nullable - as expected
string c = myList![0]; //this successfully suppresses the warning - as expected
string[]? GetList() => throw new NotImplementedException();

var myList = GetList();
string a = myList.ElementAt(0); //null warning while accessing `myList` - as expected
string b = myList[0]; //same thing here - as expected
string c = myList[0]!; //this doesn't change anything, because its not the indexer but the variable that is nullable - as expected
string c = myList![0]; //this successfully suppresses the warning - as expected
but if we move GetList to another project that doesn't use nullables:
#nullable disable //basically any project up until C# 7.3
namespace Foo;

public static class Stuff
public static string[] GetList() => throw new NotImplementedException();
#nullable disable //basically any project up until C# 7.3
namespace Foo;

public static class Stuff
public static string[] GetList() => throw new NotImplementedException();
now we get the following behaviour:
using Foo;

var myList = Stuff.GetList();
string a = myList.ElementAt(0); //no warning at all, despite having configured interpretation of null-agnostic types to be pessimistic - weird but whatever
string b = myList[0]; //here we DO get a null warning (dunno why this makes a difference), however its not while accessing the variable (where i would expect one), but while INDEXING it - wtf?
string c = myList[0]!; //this suppresses that warning - ok, but why was it there in the first place?
string d = myList![0]; //this doesn't.
using Foo;

var myList = Stuff.GetList();
string a = myList.ElementAt(0); //no warning at all, despite having configured interpretation of null-agnostic types to be pessimistic - weird but whatever
string b = myList[0]; //here we DO get a null warning (dunno why this makes a difference), however its not while accessing the variable (where i would expect one), but while INDEXING it - wtf?
string c = myList[0]!; //this suppresses that warning - ok, but why was it there in the first place?
string d = myList![0]; //this doesn't.
can someone explain?
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