Martin Lakrids
Refresh hint visibility after $set()
Unfortunately, I still cannot fix this error by myself.
I have thought about, maybe there is some possibility to call "refresh!" on the Livewire component (the TextInput) inside the hintAction or something else.
Any suggestions?
5 replies
Filter/scope table data based on a PHP function, not using QueryBuilder based on values in database
Tally that doesn't seem to be a valid use case, since the data is really in a database, but they just need to be filtered "in between" getting selected from the database and being provided to the table
11 replies
Table with a modal action that should contain a custom table-like form, is that even possible?
I have solved this an entire different and more simple way.
Using just a regular Action with a form, and adding a Repeater field containing the fields of each related item.
Then, in the action, using fillForm() to add the related models such that they are filled when opening the modal.
Finally, receiving and handling the data is also done using the default Action.
End result is something like this (NB, using TableRepeater plugin
3 replies