Created by Elias on 12/12/2024 in #help-and-questions
"upsertMany" with transaction timing out
I'm trying to build a database containing stock for different products from our suppliers. The stock can be fetched as a csv file from an FTP server. What I want to do is to periodically (every day) run a script that gets the csv file, parses it, and insert the values to a database. It should also save the previous history of the stock. This is the code that I have currently.
await client
async (tx) =>
await Promise.all(
records.map(([reference, quantity, _]) =>
where: { reference },
update: {
quantity: parseInt(quantity),
history: {
create: { date: file.date, quantity: parseInt(quantity) },
create: {
quantity: parseInt(quantity),
supplier: { connect: { id: info.id } },
history: {
create: { date: file.date, quantity: parseInt(quantity) },
timeout: 300000,
.catch((err) => {
await client
async (tx) =>
await Promise.all(
records.map(([reference, quantity, _]) =>
where: { reference },
update: {
quantity: parseInt(quantity),
history: {
create: { date: file.date, quantity: parseInt(quantity) },
create: {
quantity: parseInt(quantity),
supplier: { connect: { id: info.id } },
history: {
create: { date: file.date, quantity: parseInt(quantity) },
timeout: 300000,
.catch((err) => {
The csv contains almost 5000 products/entries. This times the transaction query out. Is there a better and more efficient way of doing this?
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