Created by Benjamin on 11/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Table filters : column not found, why ?
Hi everyone ! Is someone here capable to explain how/why table filters have no access to table query column ? For example : Let's say I have a users table with a calculated "availabilityScore" column (percentage, from 0 to 100). If I want a filter for that "availabilityScore", I can't just use ->where('availabilityScore', '>', 10) because it will throw a column not found error. Why filters are not just modifying the table query ? I'm sure there is good reasons, I just need to understand 🙂 Thanks !
7 replies
Created by Benjamin on 11/19/2024 in #❓┊help
Why wire:dirty not working with <x-filament::> components ?
Hi guys ! I'm writing some custom Livewire components and I'm using some Filament blade components inside of them to keep the UI consistent. I'm trying to use wire:dirty on a Filament button but it doesn't work. It works on a basic HTML button, do you know why ?
{{ __('Confirm') }}

<button wire:dirty.remove>
{{ __('Confirm') }}

<button wire:dirty.remove>
3 replies
Created by Benjamin on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Struggling with SelectFilter with relationship() and distinct status (Enum)
Hi guys ! I want to make a filter or the abacus_status in my users table but this status is in another table user_details, linked to the users via the details() relationship. What is wrong in my code ? ERROR : Object of class App\Enums\Users\AbacusStatusEnum could not be converted to string
->label(__('Status') . ' Abacus')
name: 'details',
titleAttribute: 'abacus_status',
modifyQueryUsing: fn(Builder $query) => $query->select('abacus_status')->groupBy('abacus_status')
->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(fn(UserDetail $record) => $record->abacus_status->getLabel())
->label(__('Status') . ' Abacus')
name: 'details',
titleAttribute: 'abacus_status',
modifyQueryUsing: fn(Builder $query) => $query->select('abacus_status')->groupBy('abacus_status')
->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(fn(UserDetail $record) => $record->abacus_status->getLabel())
3 replies
Created by Benjamin on 10/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom rule based on another field - Good way or not ?
I'm implementing a custom rule that verify that two dates are in the same year. Custom Laravel Rule
final class SameYearAs implements ValidationRule
public function __construct(private mixed $toCompareWith)

public function validate(string $attribute, mixed $value, Closure $fail): void
$toCompareWith = $this->toCompareWith;
if (filled($toCompareWith)) {
$value = CarbonImmutable::parse($value);
$toCompareWith = CarbonImmutable::parse($toCompareWith);

if (!$value->isSameYear($toCompareWith)) {
$fail('Not similar year!');
final class SameYearAs implements ValidationRule
public function __construct(private mixed $toCompareWith)

public function validate(string $attribute, mixed $value, Closure $fail): void
$toCompareWith = $this->toCompareWith;
if (filled($toCompareWith)) {
$value = CarbonImmutable::parse($value);
$toCompareWith = CarbonImmutable::parse($toCompareWith);

if (!$value->isSameYear($toCompareWith)) {
$fail('Not similar year!');
Filament Form schema()
->label(__('Start at'))
->label(__('End at'))
->rules(fn (Get $get) => [new SameYearAs($get('start_at'))])
->label(__('Start at'))
->label(__('End at'))
->rules(fn (Get $get) => [new SameYearAs($get('start_at'))])
It works, but is that right do it like that ? I started using DataAwareRule but the problem is that the form data are stored in a "sub-array" and therefore if I use $this->data['data']['field-name'] the rule will works with Filament (Livewire?) but not in another classic class like a Controller.
array:19 [
"data" => array:34 []
"previousUrl" => "http://admin.nanou.test/admin/missions"
"mountedActions" => []
"mountedActionsArguments" => []
"mountedActionsData" => []
"defaultAction" => null
"defaultActionArguments" => null
"componentFileAttachments" => []
"mountedFormComponentActions" => []
"activeRelationManager" => "2"
"record" => array:29 []
"savedDataHash" => null
array:19 [
"data" => array:34 []
"previousUrl" => "http://admin.nanou.test/admin/missions"
"mountedActions" => []
"mountedActionsArguments" => []
"mountedActionsData" => []
"defaultAction" => null
"defaultActionArguments" => null
"componentFileAttachments" => []
"mountedFormComponentActions" => []
"activeRelationManager" => "2"
"record" => array:29 []
"savedDataHash" => null
2 replies
Created by Benjamin on 9/28/2024 in #❓┊help
validate() vs getState()
Hi guys ! I'm using a custom Form inside a Livewire component and I need to understand the difference between validate() and getState(). Here is my code :
public function create(): void
$data = $this->form->validate(); // I get validated data, without hidden fields such as `has_blabla`
$dataBis = $this->form->getState(); // I get validated data, with hidden fields such as `has_blabla`, is it normal ?
public function create(): void
$data = $this->form->validate(); // I get validated data, without hidden fields such as `has_blabla`
$dataBis = $this->form->getState(); // I get validated data, with hidden fields such as `has_blabla`, is it normal ?
I'm reusing form fields across multiple forms and some fields needs to be hidden (for the user + in the data), like this one :
->visible(fn (): bool => $this->formType === FormTypeEnum::WITNESS),
->visible(fn (): bool => $this->formType === FormTypeEnum::WITNESS),
8 replies
Created by Benjamin on 9/14/2024 in #❓┊help
How to customize select option label (different when open/closed)
No description
8 replies
Created by Benjamin on 9/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Modify/add colors when using Filament outside of panel
Hi guys ! I'm trying to change colors of Filament components and I was able do to it for the Panel but not for the blade component used outside such as <x-filament::link/>. I tried this in my tailwind.config.js but it doesn't work :
import preset from "./vendor/filament/support/tailwind.config.preset";

const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: colors.cyan,
import preset from "./vendor/filament/support/tailwind.config.preset";

const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");

export default {
presets: [preset],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: colors.cyan,
Anyone can help ?
3 replies
Created by Benjamin on 7/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Widget tables - How to display results total and advanced navigation
No description
4 replies
Created by Benjamin on 6/5/2024 in #❓┊help
DatePicker/DateTimePicker alternative with manual typing support
Does anyone here already made a custom DatePicker/DateTimePicker or found an alternative version that allow manual typing ? I really need it and I know some people already asked for it ( and so maybe I don't have to do it from scratch. Edit : It' s possible to use ->type('datetime-local') , but then I lost all DatePicker great utilities such as firstDayOfWeek(), disabledDates(), minDate() and maxDate(). Yes, minDate() and maxDate() can be replaced by something like ->extraInputAttributes(['max' => now()->isoFormat('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm')]), but the problem is that when using TextInput with a specific type, the field is not updated when using refreshFormData and a complete page reload (F5) is necessary. Thanks 🙏
14 replies
Created by Benjamin on 5/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Refresh my form after custom "Cancel" action
Hi guys. I created an action that allow to cancel a mission (switch status + fill cancellation related fields). Those fields are visible on my MissionResource.php only if the status is CANCELLED.
->label(__('Cancelled at'))
->displayFormat('d.m.Y H:i')
->label(__('Cancellation type'))
->label(__('Cancellation reason'))
->visible(fn (?Mission $record): bool => $record && $record->mission_status === MissionStatusEnum::CANCELLED),
->label(__('Cancelled at'))
->displayFormat('d.m.Y H:i')
->label(__('Cancellation type'))
->label(__('Cancellation reason'))
->visible(fn (?Mission $record): bool => $record && $record->mission_status === MissionStatusEnum::CANCELLED),
The problem is, when the action is performed, the fields appears but they are not fill with the data I just typed, but those that where loaded at the loading of the page. I tried to use protected $listeners = ['refreshEditMissions' => '$refresh']; on the EditMissions.php page and dispatch the event in the action, I tried to use the refreshFormData method, but nothing is working. Please help 🙏 Here is my action code :
4 replies
Created by Benjamin on 3/6/2024 in #❓┊help
JS error : "Livewire assets are out of date"
Hi guys, I made a few changes on my Filament app and now login isn't working anymore and I think it's related to Livewire because I have this error in the console
Livewire: The published Livewire assets are out of date
Livewire: The published Livewire assets are out of date
and even the password input doesn't work anymore. Do you have any advice to help me ? I'm struggling since 2 hours on it... I also tried
php artisan livewire:publish --assets
php artisan livewire:publish --assets
, then livewire is correctly loaded but the login is just redirecting me to the login page.
6 replies
Created by Benjamin on 2/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Trying to make a custom field (for custom complex component)
No description
5 replies
Created by Benjamin on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Is there a way to trigger a RelationManager "create" action from a Widget action ?
No description
5 replies
Created by Benjamin on 10/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Unique rule with MorphToSelect fields
Hi ! I'm trying to create a form for a "relations" polymorphic table I have in my database to manage relations between three entities (Users, Companies and Institutions). Here is the table code :
Schema::create(self::TABLE_NAME, function (Blueprint $table): void {
$table->string('relation_type', 45);
$table->unique(['relationable_id', 'relationable_type', 'target_type', 'relation_type'], self::TABLE_NAME . '_unique');
Schema::create(self::TABLE_NAME, function (Blueprint $table): void {
$table->string('relation_type', 45);
$table->unique(['relationable_id', 'relationable_type', 'target_type', 'relation_type'], self::TABLE_NAME . '_unique');
I already used ->unique() method on classic Select fields like that :
->relationship('user', 'v_fullname')
->unique(modifyRuleUsing: function (Unique $rule) {
return $rule
->where('model_type', Company::class)
->where('model_id', $this->getOwnerRecord());
->relationship('user', 'v_fullname')
->unique(modifyRuleUsing: function (Unique $rule) {
return $rule
->where('model_type', Company::class)
->where('model_id', $this->getOwnerRecord());
But is there any possibility define a unique() rule on MorphToSelect fields ?
Thanks in advance !
2 replies
Created by Benjamin on 10/11/2023 in #❓┊help
Can't edit a resource if viewAny() is false (Model Policy)
No description
6 replies
Created by Benjamin on 9/20/2023 in #❓┊help
From v2 to v3 : translations not working anymore for all my selects
No description
3 replies
Created by Benjamin on 9/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Help to create a custom fields (comments)
Hi ! Is there someone here who could help me to create a custom fields list and add comments ? I followed the docs but can't make it work 😦
15 replies
Created by Benjamin on 8/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Trying to debug : Company::setTranslation(): Argument #2 ($locale) must be of type string, null...
4 replies
Created by Benjamin on 7/25/2023 in #❓┊help
Translatable plugin : make relationship field works
13 replies
Created by Benjamin on 7/25/2023 in #❓┊help
Select field : problem with getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing()
5 replies