Change in `afterStateUpdated()` hook for file uploads?
I have an Image model I'm saving extra data for on upload.
In v2, I got this working using the
hook: https://github.com/JSn1nj4/ElliotDerhay.com/blob/feature/125-dashboard-overhaul-with-filament/app/Filament/Resources/ImageResource/Pages/CreateImage.php#L27
Reading this other help thread is what got me there: https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1130866560848892015
This worked out so well because the second param was a TemporaryUploadedFile
. It had everything I needed to fill the other fields and locate the file.
Now I'm v3, that second param is just a filename string and I'm having difficulty locating the actual file.
What's the best way to get file info for uploads now?8 replies