✅ Hosting Asp.Net Core 3.1 website on Ubuntu VPS
Hi, I've been trying to host my website on my Ubuntu 20.04 Cloud VPS but when I try using the command
If anyone out there got any experience hosting websites then please post in here or feel free to DM me. 
sudo systemctl start scuffed.service
the status keeps giving me this error: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /root/Website/ScuffedManagerWeb.dll (code=exited, status=217/USER)
I can see the files in their path locations but maybe I've messed up somewhere anyways 

127 replies
Slash Command optional parameter [Answered]
Hi, I'm currently working on a poll command where I'm using SelectMenuBuilder and I want for there to be 2 required answers to create the poll. I want the rest of the answers to be optional. Is it possible to make parameters optional or will they always be required?
So far I've only been able to find the [Optional] but it only hides it when using the command, but I'm still required to enter all 8 answers to make the command work...
98 replies
Slash Command purge [Answered]
Hi, I'm trying to use my old purge command as a slash command, but I end up giving me the Discord Error "Application Didn't Respond".
I've tried making the var message a RespondAsync but the code is not happy about that
Does anyone know how to solve this issue of mine?

25 replies