DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eli on 6/21/2024 in #help
All values of query result are of type string
I I use Drizzle as query builder
let query = qb
.select( {
Time: sql<string>`${ schema.goals.time }`.as( 'Time' ),
Period: sql<number>`${ schema.goals.period }`.as( 'Period' ),
GoalType: sql<string>`${ schema.goals.goalType }`.as( 'GoalType' ),
GameId: sql<number>`${ schema.goals.gameId }`.as( 'GameId' ),
IsJunior: sql<boolean>`${ schema.leagues.isJunior }`.as( 'IsJunior' ),
IsFemale: sql<boolean>`${ schema.leagues.isFemale }`.as( 'IsFemale' ),
FieldSize: sql<string>`${ schema.leagues.fieldSize }`.as( 'FieldSize' ),
LeagueId: sql<number>`${ schema.leagues.id }`.as( 'LeagueId' ),
} )
.from( schema.goals )
.leftJoin( schema.games, eq( schema.goals.gameId, schema.games.id ) )
.leftJoin( schema.leagues, eq( schema.leagues.id, schema.games.leagueId ) )

const data = await fetchFromMyDb( query.$dynamic(), serverLoadEvent.fetch )
const result = data as unknown as typeof data._.result

// somehow IsFemale is string!?
console.dir( result )
console.log( result[ 0 ].IsFemale , typeof result[ 0 ].IsFemale )
console.log( result[ 0 ].Period, typeof result[ 0 ].Period )
let query = qb
.select( {
Time: sql<string>`${ schema.goals.time }`.as( 'Time' ),
Period: sql<number>`${ schema.goals.period }`.as( 'Period' ),
GoalType: sql<string>`${ schema.goals.goalType }`.as( 'GoalType' ),
GameId: sql<number>`${ schema.goals.gameId }`.as( 'GameId' ),
IsJunior: sql<boolean>`${ schema.leagues.isJunior }`.as( 'IsJunior' ),
IsFemale: sql<boolean>`${ schema.leagues.isFemale }`.as( 'IsFemale' ),
FieldSize: sql<string>`${ schema.leagues.fieldSize }`.as( 'FieldSize' ),
LeagueId: sql<number>`${ schema.leagues.id }`.as( 'LeagueId' ),
} )
.from( schema.goals )
.leftJoin( schema.games, eq( schema.goals.gameId, schema.games.id ) )
.leftJoin( schema.leagues, eq( schema.leagues.id, schema.games.leagueId ) )

const data = await fetchFromMyDb( query.$dynamic(), serverLoadEvent.fetch )
const result = data as unknown as typeof data._.result

// somehow IsFemale is string!?
console.dir( result )
console.log( result[ 0 ].IsFemale , typeof result[ 0 ].IsFemale )
console.log( result[ 0 ].Period, typeof result[ 0 ].Period )
Time: '0:41',
Period: '1',
GoalType: 'regular',
GameId: '35463',
IsJunior: '0',
IsFemale: '1',
FieldSize: 'KF',
LeagueId: '1541'
1 string
1 string
Time: '0:41',
Period: '1',
GoalType: 'regular',
GameId: '35463',
IsJunior: '0',
IsFemale: '1',
FieldSize: 'KF',
LeagueId: '1541'
1 string
1 string
The intellisense in VSCode shows me the correct types on hover (as specified in the sql template strings) However the actual data in result is all string I know it is a bit of a hacky solution, as I use Drizzle to generate a raw SQL query with typings applied later on. Since there is currently no other way of getting the types otherwise () am I doing something wrong here that I do not get the types right (anylinger - it seemed to work up until now or I haven't checked it thorough)
2 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eli on 5/25/2024 in #help
Get return-type from QueryBuilder
I do not have a connection to a DB, I just use the query-builder for SQL generation.
I try to write a simple function, that takes a querybuilder query in and should return a object of the result type, as if I have awaited a DB with the query:
(I use another db to fetch data - but I need the type from drizzle)
const playerQuery = await queryBuilder
.select( /* doesnt need to be just a table */ )
.from( schema.players )

const players = MockRequest( playerQuery )

export async function MockRequest<T extends MySqlSelectQueryBuilder>( query: T ): Promise<Awaited<T[]>>
const untypedData = {}
const data = untypedData as Awaited<T[]>

return data
const playerQuery = await queryBuilder
.select( /* doesnt need to be just a table */ )
.from( schema.players )

const players = MockRequest( playerQuery )

export async function MockRequest<T extends MySqlSelectQueryBuilder>( query: T ): Promise<Awaited<T[]>>
const untypedData = {}
const data = untypedData as Awaited<T[]>

return data
This is the return-type:
MySqlSelectQueryBuilderBase<MySqlSelectQueryBuilderHKT, "players", {
id: MySqlColumn<{
name: "id";
tableName: "players";
dataType: "number";
columnType: "MySqlInt";
data: number;
driverParam: string | number;
notNull: true;
hasDefault: false;
enumValues: undefined;
baseColumn: never;
}, object>;
playerId: MySqlColumn<...>;
firstName: MySqlColumn<...>;
lastName: MySqlColumn<...>;
}, ... 6 more ..., {
MySqlSelectQueryBuilderBase<MySqlSelectQueryBuilderHKT, "players", {
id: MySqlColumn<{
name: "id";
tableName: "players";
dataType: "number";
columnType: "MySqlInt";
data: number;
driverParam: string | number;
notNull: true;
hasDefault: false;
enumValues: undefined;
baseColumn: never;
}, object>;
playerId: MySqlColumn<...>;
firstName: MySqlColumn<...>;
lastName: MySqlColumn<...>;
}, ... 6 more ..., {
When it should be:
id: number;
playerId: number | null;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
id: number;
playerId: number | null;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
How do I type this correctly?
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eli on 5/23/2024 in #help
Get raw SQL string with parameters
I use drizzle to build up SQL strings - but I need to get the final SQL string. I can use query.toSQL() and then do a string-replace on ? with toSQL().sql | toSQL().params. My questions are: - is this the right way to do it? - if so, is it safe to do a simple text-replace on the question-marks?
3 replies