Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
Yeah I just opted for minimal touches, and I avoided the specificity class by just using other classes instead. Thanks for the help! If I ever do up creating a module that contains applications I'll be sure to use TJS. Just moving the window around is a world of difference as always.
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Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
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Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
unrelated question, but to what extent can I assume that the specificity-raising selectors like in will remain the same?
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
I primarily support PF2e, but SWADE is also supported
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
I'll probably use a strict list like I do for the system applications, so I'll only affect the stuff I know to be compatible
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
Hooks.on("renderSvelteApplication", (app) => {
Hooks.on("renderSvelteApplication", (app) => {
Works great and shouldn't interfere with my existing stuff
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
well now! Are there any potential implications of affecting the app's classlist through the element list, rather than through the jquery reference?
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
Awesome, thanks
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
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Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
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Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
Would this not need to be in the Svelte-based module itself? In this specific case I'm trying to affect the Item Piles module which uses TJS, but Dorako UI itself is just ol' boring JS and CSS
25 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 4/11/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
Question: Modifying class list of SvelteApplication
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