logout going to http
I am working on a fairly new system, and in my local dev environment, everything is done over HTTP, which is fine, however, when it goes into prod, we have it setup on HTTPS.
The odd thing is whenever I click the profile and log out, I get a screen saying "The information you are about to submit is not secure" with 2 buttons "Send anyway" and "Go Back".
Clicking send anyway works, and the user is logged out, but what's confusing me is why the users are even getting to that page. For some reason, this page is served over HTTP not HTTPS like the rest of the site. I cannot see anywhere it's configured to use HTTPS.
Looking in .env, I have the APP_URL as the https version. Has anyone else seen this and resolved it, or know what I need to do to resolve it?
8 replies
Using model without database
Is it at all possible to do this Is it at all possible to use a model that isn't backed by the database within Filament resources?
I am implementing a user management system for LDAP, using ldaprecord package. This supplies models, which have all the functions of an eloquent model, except they're obviously not database backed.
Is it at all possible to achieve this simply using resources, rather than custom pages, or am I going to have to do custom pages to achieve this?
3 replies
belongsToMany column cannot be null
I have a database, which is defined by external sources, so structure cannot be amended.
I have a
table, which links to a reply
table using username
field on both tables. Then on the reply
table is a value
table, which links to
I have setup the relations, and doing a get on users and groups with the relation shows the related results.
Now, I have a RelationManager for Groups on the User resource, but when I try to attach groups, I just get an error that "Column 'value' cannot be null".
Has anyone come across this in the past, and if so, know how I can solve this. I suspect it's because of the non-standard column names, but I've got the relationships working fine.25 replies
Plugin [filament-laravel-log] is not registered for panel [app].
So, I've installed a plugin for viewing laravel logs ( and after installing it, and adding the plugin to the
method of my AdminPanelProvider, loading my admin panel, I get the error that the plugin is not registered for the panel app.
If I add it to the ->plugins()
method of my AppPanelProvider, I'm able to load the view in my App panel (I don't want to be able to do this) howevre, in the Admin panel, the error changes to
Route [filament.admin.pages.logs] not defined.
Does anyone know how I can get this plugin to only show in my Admin panel? I've had a look through the GitHub, and doesn't appear that anyone else has had this issue, and it feels more like something to do with Filament loading the plugin, rather than the plugin itself.3 replies
createOptionForm not adhering to model policies
So, I've just created a new model, and policy for the model. Added the table/column through migrations. Now, when I add the means to add this to the main Resource, I get the option to add a related record, but even though I have permisisons set in the DB, and the model policy in place (no permissions from the policy granted) I am able to add new related models.
Is this intended? I'm thinking it shouldn't be?
Code to create the Option Form:
With this, I am able to create Industries regardless of whether the user I'm logged in as has any of the permissions.
3 replies
Table Column - end of string
I have a table, in which will be a sharepoint link, now that link - as you can imagine - will get quite long, so we would like a way to only show the last part of that url, or some different text. We have the copyable() method on the column, which is currently copying the sharepoint link fine.
Is this something we can do, or could we make it so that just the word "link" shows rather than the actual column value?
5 replies
Missing required parameter for View route
I have just found out the wonder of Repeaters, and after adding one to a form, the first time I submitted the form I got an error
Missing required parameter for [Route: filament.admin.resources.customers.view] [URI: admin/customers/{record}] [Missing parameter: record]
I haven't changed anything in terms of routing (that I know of!). In my CustomerResource::getPages()
method, I have
which is what I had before this broke.
I tried to remove the Repeater section, and I still get this error. What is strange though, is that when I complete the form - both with and without the repeater, the customer is created. But if I fill out the repeater, the Repeater element is NOT created.8 replies
Using Tailwind
I have a project where I'm using Tailwind. I have a related resouce, which I want to highlught red when the end date is within a defined period, now, that bit works, and it adds a new class (basic tailwind class - bg-red-300) to the tr element within the table, however, whenever I run npm run dev, the base template Filament uses does NOT use the built version of CSS. Likewise if I run
npm build
it does not use the CSS from public/build/assets.
I followed th Tailwind installation guide here but that doesn't appear to have helped. Interestingly, anything I add into the app.blade.php file that is suggested to be created in there is also not replicated, which is where I suspect this is not working as intended.5 replies
Livewire Component within tabs in Resource View
I have an Infolist Builder, and within it, I ahve created some tabs. Now, I've worked out how to get a Livewire Component to render some content to one of the tabs, but what I would like is for that Livewire Component to display related objects.
I am also able to do that, but rather than showing objects related to the Resource I'm viewing, it shows ALL (in my component I have
I am also able to do that, but rather than showing objects related to the Resource I'm viewing, it shows ALL (in my component I have
so that doesn't really surprise me that it does that.
What I would like to know is how I can get the parent Resource model/ID in the Component to be able to alter the query method to only return related models10 replies