Created by amorphous on 9/15/2024 in #general-discussion
Migrating from v1 -> v2
Hi there! I have a pretty big project that is in OneJS v1, and you might've seen my posts recently about various issues I've been grappling with it, as well as some perf concerns. I'd like to see if I can migrate it to v2, but that's been a pretty thorny task that has come with its own set of problems. So I'm creating this forum thread to both ask for help along the way, and also document exactly what has changed for me. Some context from me: * Even with v1, I was using a custom esbuild setup to create a minified JS file to use * I use hookstate as my main state management system. This requires a full preact-compat, so I have a custom version vendored in. So far, in attempting to work with v2, I have 1. interop between my existing C# and TS seem fine, and I appreciate the new generated typedefs 2. DOTween also seems to include fine without errors. 3. It builds Nothing shows up ingame at the moment though! There's still a whole slew of errors to work through first.
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