This is the community discord server for users of OneJS, a scripting engine for Unity.




Migrating from v1 -> v2

Hi there! I have a pretty big project that is in OneJS v1, and you might've seen my posts recently about various issues I've been grappling with it, as well as some perf concerns. I'd like to see if I can migrate it to v2, but that's been a pretty thorny task that has come with its own set of problems. So I'm creating this forum thread to both ask for help along the way, and also document exactly what has changed for me. Some context from me: * Even with v1, I was using a custom esbuild setup to create a minified JS file to use * I use hookstate as my main state management system. This requires a full preact-compat, so I have a custom version vendored in....

Specific Area

Is there a way with oneJS to target a specific area (in my case, a 2d plane on top of a 3d phone that the character would be physically holding) and not the whole screen? Sorry if this is highlighted somewhere, I skimmed the documentation but couldnt find this use case. Thank you in advance
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ScriptLib and C# to TSDef Converter Without OneJS

Thanks for the other day! I am planning to use only the ScriptLib and C# to TSDef Converter features of OneJS and directly use Jint for the other parts. The objectives are to: - Test the operation on a specific platform in a Jint environment without going through OneJS...

Questions About Using OneJS

Hello! I am considering using OneJS for the development of my game. However, I have some concerns: - If I implement not only the UI but also the game logic using OneJS, will there be any performance issues such as a drop in frame rate?...

Trying out the new Discord Forum!

If you want to keep your topic focused, organized, and easy-to-find, feel free to make use of this forum channel!