Created by Pseudotronics on 6/26/2024 in #support
setStore TypeScript Issue
I have a object store that has an interface like this:
export interface config {
object1?: type1;
object2?: type2;
name?: string;
id?: number;
export interface config {
object1?: type1;
object2?: type2;
name?: string;
id?: number;
type1 looks like this:
export interface type1 {
channel?: number;
role?: string;
value?: number;
present?: boolean;
export interface type1 {
channel?: number;
role?: string;
value?: number;
present?: boolean;
type2 looks like this:
export interface type2 {
channel?: number;
role?: string;
value?: number;
invert?: boolean;
export interface type2 {
channel?: number;
role?: string;
value?: number;
invert?: boolean;
Now I have a components where I pass in the following props struct
{id: Part<config, keyof config>, setConfig: SetStoreFunction<config>}
{id: Part<config, keyof config>, setConfig: SetStoreFunction<config>}
Within the component I make calls like:
props.setConfig(, "role", "example")
props.setConfig(, "role", "example")
(where = "object1" or "object2") These do not create any typescript error. When I make a call like this:
props.setConfig(, "invert", "example")
props.setConfig(, "invert", "example")
(where = "object2") I get an error like this:
Argument of type '"invert"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Part<type1| type2, "channel" | "role" | "value">
Argument of type '"invert"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Part<type1| type2, "channel" | "role" | "value">
The code runs fine without error, so I feel like I am not actually using setStore incorrectly. Why doesn't TypeScript recognize "invert" as valid Part in this situation? Is there any way I can fix this without supressing the TypeScript error?
15 replies
Created by Pseudotronics on 4/19/2024 in #support
How to make a reactive copy of a store.
I have an application where I am modifying the configuration for a device. The configuration is maintained in a store and provided via context to the app. What I want to do is make a copy of part of the store (the portion that represents the configuration) of the device and use it as the reactive source for a configuration page. The idea here being I want to copy the current configuration and then let the user modify the copy via reactive controls before applying the configuration to the device via a save button. Here is what I have tried to do:
export const ConfigPage: Component<{device: Device}> = (props) => {
const config = props.device.config;
const [configCopy, setConfigCopy] = createStore<Config>(config);
export const ConfigPage: Component<{device: Device}> = (props) => {
const config = props.device.config;
const [configCopy, setConfigCopy] = createStore<Config>(config);
My intention was to intentionally break the reactivity through prop drilling, however that doesn't seem to work. When I modify the copy it also modifies the original. Has anyone ever done something similar to what I am trying to do? Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.
4 replies