Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
Update to this: SOW and Invoice has been provided. Initial payment has been given. Graphics/Icons submitted to developer.
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Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
Update to this: A statement Of Work is being written up and provided to me.
13 replies
Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
Ah 👍
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Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
13 replies
Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
That works; let me know your estimates once you have them. I'd be happy to talk numbers. Would it be possible for you to spin up / host a dummy v9 WotG environment that I could tour?
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Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
What do you have for me?
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Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
Yes, i'm actually given to understand it was inspired by Weapons of The Gods, and can be considered a derivative/successor of it.
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