Giant Robo
Giant Robo
Created by Giant Robo on 2/16/2025 in #❓┊help
table ->defaultSort()
->defaultSort('created_at', 'desc')
->defaultSort('created_at', 'desc')
this works correctly, however, when I edit an item in the table, the edited item jumps to the top of the table (it changes position) but I am sorting by created_at so editing the record should not change the order of the table.
15 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/15/2025 in #❓┊help
multiple select inside a table
//this is code from $form
->relationship(name: 'author', titleAttribute: 'name')
//this is code from $form
->relationship(name: 'author', titleAttribute: 'name')
can I do this in a Table I want the user to add tags while browsing the table, not have to enter the edit page Table only has a simple select column could a Custom Column achieve this?
4 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/14/2025 in #❓┊help
display <video src=""> element inside table
my record has a filename property and I would like to use display it using a <video src="{{$filename}}"> tag inside data table I have tried making and I'm not having much luck, how should I approach this?
3 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/5/2025 in #❓┊help
Can you have a "Next" and "Prev" button, inside an Edit page
use case: I wan to edit many records, but I need to enter edit page, click back to return to data table, click record, edit it, click back to return to data table after entering the edit page, I would like to click Next to take me to the edit page of the next record (of the data table) Does this make sense?
16 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/5/2025 in #❓┊help
Select::make() get the inner html
->relationship('language', 'slug')
->afterStateUpdated(function(?string $state, ?string $old) {}
->relationship('language', 'slug')
->afterStateUpdated(function(?string $state, ?string $old) {}
$state and $old get the value="" like 1,2,3 etc but how do I get the value the user sees like <option value="1"> how_do_i_get_this </option>
40 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/5/2025 in #❓┊help
is there anything like codemirror that works easily with filament?
I would like to enter some code into the database, there is a markdown field, but that's a bit different.
2 replies
Created by Giant Robo on 2/4/2025 in #❓┊help
add relationships to record during the creation process
I have a TagsInput::make('tags') and I want to take each of the tags and do something like $record->tags()->attach([tags]) I would need access to the created record and the data from the tags input Where is a good place to do this?
5 replies