Is the "Log in with Google" option available?
server-1 | [Nest] 1 - 02/24/2025, 10:55:14 AM ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Metadata version not found for workspace 3eb63287-74ff-424a-b4d4-f147ff5d5303
server-1 | Error: Metadata version not found for workspace 3eb63287-74ff-424a-b4d4-f147ff5d5303
server-1 | BaseGraphQLError [GraphQLError]: Metadata version not found for workspace 3eb63287-74ff-424a-b4d4-f147ff5d5303
server-1 | at new BaseGraphQLError (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/core-modules/graphql/utils/graphql-errors.util.js:86:9)
server-1 | at generateGraphQLErrorFromError (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/core-modules/graphql/utils/generate-graphql-error-from-error.util.js:14:26)
server-1 | at /app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/core-modules/graphql/hooks/use-graphql-error-handler.hook.js:38:194
server-1 | at handleResult (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/core-modules/graphql/hooks/use-graphql-error-handler.hook.js:36:66)
server-1 | at onExecuteDone (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/core-modules/graphql/hooks/use-graphql-error-handler.hook.js:73:74)
server-1 | extensions: { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR' }
server-1 | throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
server-1 | SocketClosedUnexpectedlyError: Socket closed unexpectedly
server-1 | Emitted 'error' event on Commander instance at:
server-1 | at RedisSocket._RedisSocket_onSocketError (/app/node_modules/@redis/client/dist/lib/client/socket.js:218:10)
36 replies
Is the "Log in with Google" option available?
root@ubuntu:~/twenty# docker compose logs db | grep -i error
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_NAME" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_REGION" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_REGION" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "STORAGE_S3_NAME" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
36 replies
Is the "Log in with Google" option available?
Yes, it is running:
I am currently experiencing issues with my worker container (twenty-worker-1) while the other containers (twenty-db-1 and twenty-server-1) are functioning normally. Here are the details of my setup:
Containers Running:
twenty-db-1 - Status: Healthy
twenty-server-1 - Status: Healthy
twenty-worker-1 - Status: Experiencing issues
I checked the health status of the containers and confirmed that both twenty-db-1 and twenty-server-1 are healthy. However, the worker container is not functioning correctly.
Here are the specific error messages I found in the logs:
Message Import Exception: Unknown error occurred while importing messages.
Calendar Event Import Exception: Unknown error occurred while importing calendar events.
Additionally, I ran the following command and received this output:
docker inspect twenty-worker-1 | grep -i health
"com.docker.compose.depends_on": "db:service_healty:false,server:service_healthy:false",
It seems there might be a misconfiguration in the docker-compose.yml or .env file, possibly due to the typo in service_healty. Are there any sample configurations available for these files that I can refer to for troubleshooting?
36 replies
Is the "Log in with Google" option available?
I deployed everything from scratch and I managed adding the LOG IN WITH GOOGLE button and it seems working, now email sync is not working, I most likely didn t set the right codes, I found a bit confusing the explaination of this guide, this is the only guide? https://twenty.com/developers/section/self-hosting/setup
It is not specified where to insert determined parameters, I added them in env and docker-compose.yml cause gmail parameters were not loaded automatically in docker-compose.yml.
36 replies