Hitesh Makwana
show total sum by filters
please try
41 replies
show total sum by filters
Please refer https://github.com/filamentphp/demo/blob/main/app/Filament/Resources/Shop/OrderResource.php
41 replies
Help me to select address from address list in modal
Thank you for you respond
I have populated address list in table in modal
I have created action in that widget too
now is there any option that I can handle that click in my AddressForm class?
7 replies
Help me to select address from address list in modal
I use this in address form https://github.com/filamentphp/demo/blob/main/app/Forms/Components/AddressForm.php
7 replies
Help me to select address from address list in modal
Here What I exactly want that
I have my addresses with relation to customer
In Quotation Form I want to give manual enter address as well and also user can select address from customer's address
When user click on search icon user will see modal with list of customer's address
from the customer's address listed in table with an action button "use address"
I want to use all record to fill in the forms
I mention all codes above
7 replies