Bulk updating records
1. upload file with multiselect1
2. upload same file (with Twenty's IDs) now with (only) multiselect2
3. Those records now only have multiselect2
I was intending to use this as a workaround for not being able to upload more than one multiselect. I was hoping the functionality would be the same except
1. ...
2. ...
3. These records now have multiselect1 and multiselect2
15 replies
Bulk updating records
Yeah I am now stuck.
This interacts with an issue with was PRed successfully today: https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/issues/8822 by @Elias Ylönen
I can export and edit and then re-import the information with succesful overwrite but I can't overwrite with two different entries for the multi-select 😂
I was originally trying to use this as a workaround so now I need a workaround for my workaround...
15 replies