Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute
This explains it a bit more in detail:
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Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute
His point whas that you shouldn't make a generic "get" method with a predicate, and instead scope your fetches from the database to the contexts their in. For example a method that explicitly only "getsAllPeople" or whatever from the database.
22 replies
Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute
He basically told you what is stated on that blog i sent you, and inserted and opinion on the use of generic repo's. Not sure that you indicated that you where making such interfaces, but whatever 🙂
You can spin up a new instance of your db in memory and execute your tests as you would on a normal DB.
If your list is very long you could consider using .skip and .take to page? the results, so you don't send too long a response 🙂
22 replies
Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute
If you want to run tests against your database context, you could look into the Repository Pattern:
Basically you can wrap your database context and use the DB in memory instead, then use it as you would normally 🙂
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