Decimal in clamped TextBox
I'm implementing a numerical TextBox that may clamp entered values between a min and max value. I achieved this by overriding the MetaData for the Text property with a TwoWay binding by default and an OnTextChanged handler.
One of the hurdles along the way was partially entered values such as
, 0.
, 1.3
, etc. I overcame this with a regex.
The issue I have is that I'm unable to enter a decimal into the TextBox despite being allowed by the regex ^(-?\d+\.|-0?)$
Here is my on changed handler.
What changes can I make to allow for the entry of a decimal point?
Edit: I've also realised that I cannot enter -0
, subsequently -0.
10 replies
Embedding a 3D view with OpenGL backend within a WPF view
I'm not looking for detailed steps. I'm just need to know how to render directly to a control within a WPF application. I have played around with Silk.NET which I have loved. Is there a way I can use this with a view within WPF?
7 replies
✅ Using a scoped service within an IHostedService
I have a IHostedService implementation that sends a Mediatr request every hour. The handler uses a DbContext to carry out its work.
When sending the request, I get the following exception:
I have tried to create an async scope, but I still get the exception.
I have listed the project in GitHub. Here is a link to where the functionality lies
Thank you for reading.
8 replies
❔ ✅ Splitting string without allocation
I'm writing a JsonConverter for Vector3 and I'd like to do this without allocating too much memory.
I've written this extension method to split the string as ReadOnlyMemory. I wanted to use ReadOnlySpan but I'm unable to use this type in IEnumerable<T>.
This is my implementation of Read for JsonConverter<Vector3>
I'd like to know if there are any ways to make my Split method better, and to somehow get my Read method to work.
Thanks for reading
31 replies