✅ Changing button on click
As always there are multiple ways to Rome.
The easiers (and worst) solution is to give the
node a Name property and hardcode the MyImage.Source
to change in code behind
Let me repeat that the above is the worst but simplest option and serves as a starting point.
Depending on how knowledgable/comfortable you are with MVVM you can bind a property to the image source so you can change it from code behind but in a more decoupled way or even better change it in the viewmodel based on an event that gets bound to a viewmodel's method6 replies
❔ Timer with secound delay doesn't work
Alright when you do have access to your pc try placing a breakpoint on line 80 to see if the program even reaches the logic to start the outtimer, as well as place a breakpoint inside of the outtimer_tick to see if that logic is being hit (saves restarting if the first is true)
18 replies
❔ Do I need to take any extra steps to install a Windows service with Parallel.ForEach?
I am having trouble understanding why you would need more performance for: “opening a webbrowser navigating to a url and then making a screenshot to upload it”
44 replies