TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Ashot on 1/27/2025 in #dev-help
Ashot - Hello guys, some time ago, we are embed...
@Ashot - Whats the version of ThoughtSpot. You have shared the version of sdk.
10 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Ashot on 1/27/2025 in #dev-help
Ashot - Hello guys, some time ago, we are embed...
@Ashot - I didn't quite get what u meant by embedding into our angular app. Are u still on blink-v1. Can you share the version of TS you are embedding.
10 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by adikam on 1/25/2025 in #dev-help
adikam - hi all - I’ve set up a custom action i...
@adikam you will have to whitelist custom action domain in developTab/securitySettings Page in CSP connect-src. Let me know if that worked for you.
11 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Steve Halvorson on 1/15/2025 in #dev-help
Steve Halvorson - Hello Team, I was directed he...

20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Steve Halvorson on 1/15/2025 in #dev-help
Steve Halvorson - Hello Team, I was directed he...
Hi @Steve Halvorson let me do an coversationEmbed and use iconSprite with ur svg. Can you please answer the following questions:
1. Are u using multiple svg overrides in ur hosted svg file or just rd-icon-spotter one.
2. Are u facing issues with just ur svg or with this url as well
Will update in some time.
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Steve Halvorson on 1/15/2025 in #dev-help
Steve Halvorson - Hello Team, I was directed he...
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;" symbol id="rd-icon-spotter" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)">
<circle id="Oval" fill="#FFFFFF" cx="48" cy="48" r="39.6"></circle>
<path d="M47.8758,10.1328 C27.0216,10.1328 10.0554,27.099 10.0554,47.9532 C10.0554,68.808 27.0216,85.7736 47.8758,85.7736 C68.73,85.7736 85.6968,68.808 85.6968,47.9532 C85.6968,27.099 68.73,10.1328 47.8758,10.1328 M0.3684,47.9532 C0.3684,21.7572 21.6798,0.4452 47.8758,0.4452 C74.0724,0.4452 95.3844,21.7572 95.3844,47.9532 C95.3844,74.1492 74.0724,95.4606 47.8758,95.4606 C21.6798,95.4606 0.3684,74.1492 0.3684,47.9532 Z" id="Fill-6" fill="#1B2B5C"></path>
<polyline id="Fill-14" fill="#E84545" points="35.82 67.9152 29.9274 47.4 22.2 67.9152"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-8" fill="#1B2B5C" points="40.7076 18.78 55.0446 18.78 47.8764 33.6054 40.7076 18.78"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-9" fill="#E84545" points="65.8242 47.4 55.0446 18.7794 47.8758 33.6054 65.8242 47.4"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-10" fill="#1B2B5C" points="59.9322 67.9152 47.8764 33.6054 65.8248 47.4 59.9322 67.9152"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-11" fill="#E84545" points="59.9322 67.9152 65.8248 47.4 73.5522 67.9152"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-12" fill="#E84545" points="29.9274 47.4 40.7076 18.7794 47.8758 33.6054 29.9274 47.4"></polyline>
<polyline id="Fill-13" fill="#1B2B5C" points="35.82 67.9152 47.8758 33.6054 29.9274 47.4 35.82 67.9152"></polyline>
Let me know if it works
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Steve Halvorson on 1/15/2025 in #dev-help
Steve Halvorson - Hello Team, I was directed he...
Taking a look
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Shubham on 1/21/2025 in #dev-help
Shubham - Hi team ,customer sometimes see follo...
Can you please share the version of Ts you are on ?
8 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Shubham on 1/21/2025 in #dev-help
Shubham - Hi team ,customer sometimes see follo...
@Shubham Can you please share if you have any idea about what exactly triggers this to happen like the LB Id is wrong or auth fails? Would it be possible for you to share the HAR file as well. Thanks
8 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Shubham on 1/21/2025 in #dev-help
Shubham - Hi team ,is there a way we can add se...
Hi @Shubham Let me just check if we have any CSSexternalVariables for this.
If not then it can be done using unstable_rules.
If not then it can be done using unstable_rules.
2 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by ythomop on 1/21/2025 in #dev-help
ythomop - Hi all. Using the REST API v2, we wan...
Can you give us the Har file.
We might need help from BE folks here.
cc: @shikharTS
8 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by ythomop on 1/21/2025 in #dev-help
ythomop - Hi all. Using the REST API v2, we wan...
So when you are searching your metadata via metadata_id, can you find tag listed in the response?
8 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Leslie Chiang on 11/13/2024 in #dev-help
QQ - what triggers `AuthFailureType.
Hi @Leslie Chiang I don't see AuthFailureType.OTHER getting triggered for AuthType.TrustedAuthToken. If its getting triggered for you can you please tell which version of sdk are you using. I will be able to check better.
29 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Leslie Chiang on 11/13/2024 in #dev-help
QQ - what triggers `AuthFailureType.
Hi @Leslie Chiang, AuthFailureType.OTHER gets triggered when we are using AuthType.TrustedAuthTokenCookieless and the call for getting a new Authentication Token fails.
29 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Vignesh on 11/13/2024 in #dev-help
Hi Team, is it possible to split up the
Hi @Vignesh, when modifying Edit action through either hiddenActions/visibleActions/disabledActions we don't have the functionality to split it up for viz and lb. It would be modified for both.
1 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by billsaysthis on 10/2/2024 in #dev-help
What happened to customCSSUrl? I just
Hello @billsaysthis ,
The issue has been resolved in the latest patch. Kindly update to version 1.32.9 to apply the fix.
cc: @utsav.kapoor
6 replies