Shubham - Hi team ,customer sometimes see follo...
Hi team ,customer sometimes see following 404 error on embedded liveboard page, this error contains link to Homepage of TS, Is there a way we customize this error to remove that homepage link?

7 Replies
@shikharTS any suggestions on this?
@Shubham Can you please share if you have any idea about what exactly triggers this to happen like the LB Id is wrong or auth fails? Would it be possible for you to share the HAR file as well. Thanks
@priyanshu.kumar , customer is adding link of other embeded liveboard in the tile ,where the link was broken , that where they faced this error.
Not sure if something else might also trigger the same error in future , but having that back to home option in error window is the concern for customer, because it kind of allows to move through entire app
Can you please share the version of Ts you are on ?
its 10.5
@Shubham are you from TS? If yes can you please ping me on slack? Lets discuss this internally..