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How to get EXE file?
If Visual Studio continues to create a setup file, double-check that you aren't using ClickOnce deployment. You can disable ClickOnce by going to the project properties:
Right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and select Properties.
Go to the Publish tab.
Uncheck the Enable ClickOnce Security Settings if it's enabled.
54 replies
How to get EXE file?
Open your project in Visual Studio.
Go to Build > Publish [Your Project Name].
Choose Folder as the target for publishing (instead of ClickOnce).
Under the Configuration section:
Choose Self-contained for the deployment mode.
Choose the appropriate target runtime (e.g., win-x64).
Make sure to check the option Produce single file.
Publish the project.
try like this
54 replies
Why I'm getting this error
public class Peer
public Peer(string name, Guid guid)
Name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)
? throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be empty or whitespace.", nameof(name))
: name;
Guid = guid; Friends = new List<Peer>(); } [Key] public Guid Guid { get; set; } public required string Name { get; set; } public List<Peer>? Friends { get; set; } }
Guid = guid; Friends = new List<Peer>(); } [Key] public Guid Guid { get; set; } public required string Name { get; set; } public List<Peer>? Friends { get; set; } }
15 replies
How to get EXE file?
Open your project in Visual Studio (assuming you're using Visual Studio).
Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and select Publish.
In the Publish dialog, click Start to create a new profile, or select an existing profile if you have one.
Choose Folder as the publish target.
In the Configure your publish settings section:
Set the Target Framework to the appropriate .NET version.
Set Deployment Mode to Self-contained.
Select the appropriate Target Runtime (e.g., win-x64 for 64-bit Windows).
Ensure that the checkbox for Produce single file is checked.
Click Publish.
54 replies
✅ how do i join two lists?
public static List<Move> GenerateWhitePawnMoves(ulong occupancy, ulong pawnBitboard)
PawnMoves pawnMoves = GetWhitePawnMoves(occupancy, pawnBitboard);
List<Move> left_attacks = GenerateMovesWithOffset(pawnMoves.LeftAttacks, 7);
List<Move> right_attacks = GenerateMovesWithOffset(pawnMoves.RightAttacks, 9);
List<Move> single_pushes = GenerateMovesWithOffset(pawnMoves.SinglePushForward, 8);
List<Move> double_pushes = GenerateMovesWithOffset(pawnMoves.DoublePushForward, 16);
// Create a new list and add all the other lists into it
List<Move> nextMoves = new List<Move>();
return nextMoves;
private static List<Move> GenerateMovesWithOffset(ulong bitboard, int offset)
List<Move> moves = new List<Move>();
while (bitboard != 0)
int src = BitScanForward(bitboard); // Find the index of the least significant bit set to 1
int dst = src + offset;
moves.Add(new Move { src = src, dst = dst });
bitboard &= bitboard - 1; // Clear the least significant bit
return moves;
private static int BitScanForward(ulong bitboard)
return (int)(Math.Log(bitboard & ~(bitboard - 1), 2));
34 replies
✅ how do i join two lists?
u can use the "Addrange" method
List<int> list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
List<int> list2 = new List<int> { 4, 5, 6 };
List<int> list3 = new List<int> { 7, 8, 9 };
List<int> list4 = new List<int> { 10, 11, 12 };
List<int> result = new List<int>();
34 replies
ASP.NET Core (backend) + Avalonia UI (desktop frontend)
1.Yes, your chosen tech stack is plausible. You can easily divide work between frontend (using Razor Pages or Blazor) and backend (using ASP.NET Core Web API) teams.
2.Yes, if you're familiar with Java Spring Boot, you'll find it easy to create ASP.NET Core APIs. The concepts and architecture are quite similar, making the transition straightforward.
3.No, that is not hard.If they have understanding of C#,they should be able to pick up ASP.NET Core and related technologies fairly quickly.
4.Yes, it can run smoothly on low-end hardware like an Intel i3 with 8GB RAM.
24 replies