Adnan Smlatić
Adnan Smlatić
Created by Adnan Smlatić on 8/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Force refresh a Select to update disableOptionWhen()?
Hey, I would really apprecaite some pointers in the right direction here, I've tried absolutely everything I can think of. In my Select implementation, I am trying to Remove/Disable options in real-time based on current selection. The code below works, however, the options are only updated when you exit focus from the Select and click on it again. What could I do to force the options to refresh whenever the state is changed? Or is there a better way to approach this? The goal is to be able to select only x1 Category of each type. Eg: If the select is showing (A1, A2, A3, B1,B2, B3) and you select A1, I want to immediately remove/disable (A2, A3) and the new options state would be ( B1,B2, B3). I have been able to do it with validation, but it is not ideal.
->relationship('categories', 'name')
->options(fn (Get $get) => static::getCategoryOptions($get))
->disableOptionWhen(function (string $value, Get $get): bool {
return static::shouldDisableCategory($value, $get);

->relationship('categories', 'name')
->options(fn (Get $get) => static::getCategoryOptions($get))
->disableOptionWhen(function (string $value, Get $get): bool {
return static::shouldDisableCategory($value, $get);

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