Delete Action Table Repeater.
Hi 👋 , I'm working on the table repeater's delete function, I want it to have a specific function if there is a record. In other words, in create have the default behavior of delete and in edit my custom function.
2 replies
Implement actions made in livewire in the resource
Hi everyone, I was looking over, and I wanted to know how I could implement my action made with the livewire class, in the actions of the table in the resource
6 replies
Action that opens a modal, where there are buttons that take you to other modals
I'm working on a modal, where inside it there are 2 buttons that take you to different modals. I'm using extraModalFooterAction to make my buttons to open the modals, I managed to open them, but when I fill everything in both modals it's not saving my data, I used cancelParentActions
but I realized that it literally cancels my entire previous action, what can I do?
6 replies