Created by WillR on 7/10/2024 in #❓︱help
Can't change currency on opportunity
Haven't checked since (had a baby, haven't slept either 😄) I'll check later and update. Thanks!
8 replies
Created by WillR on 7/10/2024 in #❓︱help
Can't change currency on opportunity
Got a working instance where I can change the currency and have that console message there too so think that's unrelated too. Strange!
8 replies
Created by WillR on 7/10/2024 in #❓︱help
Can't change currency on opportunity
Think the log message was a red herring. Deleted it all and started again and those messages have gone. When I amend opportunities, I see this message in the JS console: Warning: fragment with name OpportunityFragment already exists. graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about this in the docs: http://dev.apollodata.com/core/fragments.html#unique-names index-JGIdMgsI.js:329:95677
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