Enthernet Code
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by iamnarendrans on 5/13/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
How to create and write data in .xlsx file into the SD card using any microcontrollers like stm32,
Step 3: Initialize the SD card and establish communication.
- Use the FatFs library to initialize the SD card and establish communication with the microcontroller.
- Refer to the FatFs library documentation and examples for detailed instructions on how to initialize the SD card and mount the file system.
Step 4: Create a new Excel workbook file on the SD card.
- Use the Excel file manipulation library to create a new Excel workbook file in memory.
- Some popular libraries for Excel manipulation are OpenXML (for creating Office Open XML-based files) and ExcelDataReader/ExcelWriter (for writing to Excel binary format).
- Follow the documentation and examples provided by the library you choose to create a new workbook file and set up the necessary data structure.
Step 5: Write the data for each frequency to a different sheet in the Excel workbook.
- Use the same Excel file manipulation library to generate the XML code for each sheet and append it to the Excel file.
- Create a new sheet for each frequency and populate it with the corresponding data.
- Repeat this process for each frequency you want to write.
Step 6: Close the Excel workbook file on the SD card and release resources.
- Use the appropriate functions from the Excel file manipulation library to close the workbook file and release any allocated resources.
- Ensure that all data has been properly saved and closed before proceeding.
Required Libraries:
- STM32Cube software suite (FatFs library): To manage the communication with the SD card.
- OpenXML SDK or ExcelDataReader/ExcelWriter: Choose one of these libraries for Excel file manipulation.
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