How do I use solid for reactivity without a build step?
I like solid as a frontend library, and I want to use it as a "vanilla" state management library for reactivity.
However, I'm confused why running this script without bundling does nothing:
After I bundle (using rollup or bun) and run the script, my effect runs and logs the value of
, like I expect. How does bundling make reactivity work, even without using babel?6 replies
How to create effect for each element of mapArray?
I'm exploring reactive patterns, and I'm stumped on how to create effects for elements of the result of mapArray.
What I've got so far:
I'm thinking the return type of those memos ought to be Accessor<Array<Accessor<Array>>>, right? But how do I create that structure, and how to I create an effect that runs when the array element changes?
6 replies