Form Defocus in RelationManager
This seems to be associated with the following existing github issue:
3 replies
Table and getting counts of records (groupBy)
Nope. If you look at the eloquent statement in my post, you'll see that I'm not dealing with a relationship count. The model column is not a relationship to another table. In my table of mobile devices, there is a column 'model'. I want to groupBy that model string in the mobile table and display the count of records that match that string.
6 replies
modal scroll bug - can't select text and jumps to top when clicked.
I don't have the ability to generate a new project right now. Is there anyone here who have RelationManagers that display a modal when clicked and can reproduce this in their own project?
16 replies
modal scroll bug - can't select text and jumps to top when clicked.
Correct. One interesting thing to note: This only happens with table action modal windows on RelationManagers. I can have a resource and on the list page a table action to display a modal window and it works fine. All relation manager tables with table actions have this bug.
16 replies
Problem with Import Action - Import job never completes
Check your laravel log file. The job is dispatched and throwing exceptions. It is then endlessly retried. Mine did the same. I use horizon. I would see the import job pop up and begin running. Then, when I saw it not progressing, I killed the horizon process. I checked the laravel.log file for the exception that was being thrown. Then, I cleared the redis queue
php artisan queue:clear {connection} --queue {queue_name}
. This removed the pending jobs. I made the needed changes based on the exceptions and reran. This could be done better. We need a way to specify how many attempts to try before the batch fails so we can troubleshoot effectively. However, that's how I worked through my import problems.9 replies