TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 1/29/2025 in #dev-help
Geovane - [Simple New config request]Hello TS...
Ok, thanks for the direction. I created Let me know if I need to provide anything else @utsav.kapoor @prateekagr98 @shikharTS 🎉
9 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 1/29/2025 in #dev-help
Geovane - [Simple New config request]Hello TS...
Let me know if I should have posted it somewhere else too 🙂
9 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 1/29/2025 in #dev-help
Geovane - [Simple New config request]Hello TS...
Here is @prateekagr98 @shikharTS @utsav.kapoor Case: 00383805
9 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 1/29/2025 in #dev-help
Geovane - [Simple New config request]Hello TS...
Thank you so much @utsav.kapoor @shikharTS @prateekagr98 . I will create the ticket and post here.
9 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
API error fixed! Thank you! I will create a ticket for the Discoverability issues.
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/30/2024 in #dev-help
Search metadata
Just checking if we had an update on this bug. We are holding a feature release because of the Embed Answer problems
11 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
No description
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
No description
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
This is how I am calling the AnswerService:
const service = await searchEmbedRef.current.getAnswerService();
const answer: TSAnswer = await service.getAnswer(); // <---- returns undefined
const service = await searchEmbedRef.current.getAnswerService();
const answer: TSAnswer = await service.getAnswer(); // <---- returns undefined
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
No description
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
@jbc THE HERO! I still needed to make a few adjustments in my code and refs, but thanks to you I was able to get it through! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
Yeah me too at this point. I will send in a DM @jbc , but let me try once more and review the code. It was very late for me yesterday when I tired
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
Thank @jbc, but unfortunately the same issue persists. I applied what you suggested. Then, after persisting with the issue I migrated my SearchEmbedComp to another file and exported that to be used on my MainComp . The code in general works, I can visualize and save Answers... However, every time the state of the button changes, my TS SearchEmbed reloads/re-render 😢
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/30/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team! You all have been great and
Sure @yuichirio_ha , I appreciate the help! Is this commit enough for that?
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
You could pass onData={onDataReceived} the function directly.
@jbc That is right, I did that too later but the issue persisted 😅 At some point I start to try so many things when I am in scenarios like that, that I literally try everything 😅
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
Before when I was doing inside of my useEffect:
searchEmbedRef.current.on(EmbedEvent.Data, async (response) => { setIsDisabled(false) })
searchEmbedRef.current.on(EmbedEvent.Data, async (response) => { setIsDisabled(false) })
It was working well without any re-render (however I was getting that error message "Please register event handlers before calling render")
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team!
@jbc unfortunately, I am still not able to make it work.
let me check if we could optimize some of that part on the Embed SDK.
Did you get any luck with the optimization? What I have so far is (a summarized version): I want to enable/disable a button when I receive data from my SearchEmbed.
const [isDisabled, setIsDisabled] = useState<boolean>(true);
const MemoizedSearchEmbed = memo(SearchEmbed);
onData={(response) => onDataReceived(response)} <------
<MyButtonComponent disabled={isDisabled}> My Button </MyButtonComponent>
const [isDisabled, setIsDisabled] = useState<boolean>(true);
const MemoizedSearchEmbed = memo(SearchEmbed);
onData={(response) => onDataReceived(response)} <------
<MyButtonComponent disabled={isDisabled}> My Button </MyButtonComponent>
Then my function is defined as:
const onDataReceived = useCallback(async (response: MessagePayload) => {
setIsDisabled(false) <-------- This triggers the TSEmbed re-render. If I remove it, it works...
}, [])
const onDataReceived = useCallback(async (response: MessagePayload) => {
setIsDisabled(false) <-------- This triggers the TSEmbed re-render. If I remove it, it works...
}, [])
I am stuck on it for days without success 😢
20 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/10/2024 in #dev-help
Hi team, I've been struggling with
Thank you @Justin Mathew ! 🙌
33 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Geovane on 7/30/2024 in #dev-help
Search metadata
Always happy to help @shikharTS 🙂
11 replies