Created by Austin👁👄👁 on 9/11/2024 in #questions-and-advice
wedding wear recommendations
Hey guys - looking for your help. I’ve never been one that’s very fashion savvy and since COVID I’ve worked from home and not really updated anything. I’m going to a wedding at the end of the month with my fiancée and I’ll be meeting a bunch of her friends on that side of the country for the first time. It’s her friends wedding, and she’s in it. I want to make a good impression not only on them, but on my fiance as well. I haven’t really been “dressed up” for her because I don’t know what I’m doing. The wedding is black and white themed, semi-formal/casual is allowed and preferred at the wedding. I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, but I don’t want to just do a white shirt and black slacks either. Budget isn’t an issue, but I’d like to keep the whole outfit (minus shoes) preferably at 120 or less. I’m 5’7, I weigh ~220. Broad chested. I wear a 34x29 or 36x29 depending. XXL shirts for comfort and self esteem issues. Please help 🙂
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