Populate `EnvelopeRecipientCollection` on `Recipients` Property of a `MailItem` in Transport Agent
I'm not testing classes from the external libraries but my own logic in the
delegate. Part of that logic is quarantining a message via ReceiveMessageEventSource.Quarantine
, which requires an IEnumerable<EnvelopeRecipient>
to be passed in. The only way I can derive that list is from the EnvelopeRecipientCollection
from the MailItem
, I believe.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/exchange-server-api/aa564601(v=exchg.150)14 replies
Populate `EnvelopeRecipientCollection` on `Recipients` Property of a `MailItem` in Transport Agent
Gives the error about being different types:
Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.EnvelopeRecipient>.Enumerator' to 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.EnvelopeRecipientCollection.Enumerator'
14 replies
Populate `EnvelopeRecipientCollection` on `Recipients` Property of a `MailItem` in Transport Agent
This is the deconstructed view of the MailItem. As you can see, it only has a
for the Recipients
property and the constructor is marked as internal
. When Recipients
is populated, I have to assume it's on the EndOfHeaders process in the Transport Pipeline, itself?14 replies
Populate `EnvelopeRecipientCollection` on `Recipients` Property of a `MailItem` in Transport Agent
Source message comes from here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/exchange/how-to-write-an-exchange-2013-transport-agent/596860
14 replies
how do i generate WCF connected services on build/restore?
It's been a long time since I messed with WCF -- but there used to be a means to have the connections autogenerated but I don't remember how it was done.
This is my autogenerated service connector: https://github.com/felsokning/Tomte/blob/master/Fels%C3%B6kning.Tomte/Fels%C3%B6kning.Tomte.PowerShell/WorkflowService.cs
So, I know that it can be done - but I'm genuinely sorry that I can't remember how it was done. ☹️
3 replies
✅ NullPointException in the Update/Post method, but not in the Get Method
In the
, you're using _context
but in your post, you're using _listingProjectsDtoRepository
. If you debug it, is _listingProjectsDtoRepository
I'm not sure why you're using both _context
and _listingProjectsDtoRepository
. Then you update it using _context
? _context.ListingDTO_DBTable.Update(_listingProjectsDto);
If I had to guess, without seeing the rest of your code, your DI isn't DI'ing - that's why.
Also, why are you injecting an HttpClient
, if you're not making any http calls?
As everyone else said, above, there's a lot of this code that needs clean-up/fixing.46 replies
Help. Broken Rust plugin
You're - literally - going to have to reverse-engineer what was done in BasePlayer class, to understand the required overloads. See here: https://oxidemod.org/threads/where-is-the-baseplayer-class.22597/
15 replies
✅ Trouble porting to AOT JSON
Even then, you can do something like
GoogleUser: User
and AADUser: User
and OtherProvider: User
. Which makes User extensible and the target type derived from that. So, if you want to change DisplayName
, for example, you just have to change it in User
, once, not 50 different User
classes.49 replies
✅ Trouble porting to AOT JSON
If you have 1 User class with properties that get populated per domain type, those null/empties can be ignored; you can project one to many, instead of having to have 1:1. Unless you're projecting the User back to the client, the client doesn't care how you process
.49 replies
✅ Trouble porting to AOT JSON
In short, no.
49 replies
✅ Trouble porting to AOT JSON
I think, without being able to see the code, it's resolving as multiple types; so it's resolving as
and B
or A
and C
. If you want do it based on specific properties, you can, but I've never done it - so I can't expound upon it, further.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/polymorphism?pivots=dotnet-8-0#configure-polymorphism-with-the-contract-model49 replies