Created by arne_becker on 3/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Get Validator instance of a form
Hi folks, I need a very special validation which is not directly bound to a form field. I would like to get the Validator instance to add some custom logic like described in the livewire docs ( How can I get the validator, for example, an Tables\Actions\CreateAction? I have searched the source code really hard, but I couldn't finde anything that helps. @Dan Harrin Can u help me out?
6 replies
Created by arne_becker on 3/18/2024 in #❓┊help
No build-in Excel Import?
Hi, I was wondering why the build-in Export action can export Excel files. But the Import action can not import Excel files. Is there any particular reason for that? Yes, I know there a plugins, which can import Excel. But I like the queue approach of the build-in Import and Export actions.
11 replies