Murali Krishna
Murali Krishna
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 12/13/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team,
thank you for your response @shikharTS . #1: I can share you the HAR file when custom actions is executed. But I didnot understand about API code. can you elaborate? #2: we want to add authentication mechanism so that access to the api will be secure as this being an internet exposed API. We can make it part of API itself and ask BE server to get the token from authnentication server but that would still make the API open rite? anyone pretending to be coming for will have access to the data. With clientid,clientsecrect and domain information stored for OAuth token I can guarantee that ThoughtSpot will be only one who can get the token from our authentication server.
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
Thank you shikhar. I have filed the bug Will this patch also fix if issue is seen on other apis?
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
@shikharTS This is the response i got POST RESPONSE: 500 {'error': {'message': {'debug': {'code': 10000, 'incident_id_guid': '04d54c3f-9928-4c8c-810a-3314c6c00b02', 'trace_id_guid': '04d54c3f-9928-4c8c-810a-3314c6c00b02', 'debug': '[null]'}}}}
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
should i be creating a support tickt?
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
Sure... we have added log. will get back once i have entire response....
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
yes Shikhar... i too was looking for error code 10000 but unable to find any. so reached out to you. so what should be next steps here? how can we get to bottom of this?
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 9/17/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/
I am seeing this on API call. I dont have the entire resonse as of now. As this is happening intermittently. Can you point me to error codes documentation?
13 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 8/21/2024 in #dev-help
Customize {Null} text
thank you @Justin Mathew
3 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 8/20/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team,
sure @shikharTS
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 8/20/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team,
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
Created by Murali Krishna on 8/13/2024 in #dev-help
Hello team is their a way to show
thank you for the confirmation @shikharTS
4 replies