Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/

Hello team, when calling '/api/rest/2.0/orgs/search' response is returning error code '10000' and no info in debug. is their a documentation i can follow for this exception? I am unable to find the documentation.
11 Replies
shikharTS6mo ago
Where are you trying this API? Is the error you are getting from playground? Do you see similar error code for other APIs? Also can you post the whole response along with headers?
Murali Krishna
Murali KrishnaOP6mo ago
I am seeing this on API call. I dont have the entire resonse as of now. As this is happening intermittently. Can you point me to error codes documentation?
shikharTS6mo ago
I tried searching internal docs for this 10000 error code. There is not much info here as well, that is why I was hoping to find something in the response headers to make sense of this error code. The documentation for most of the status codes seen is present as part of the api documentation in the playground itself..
Murali Krishna
Murali KrishnaOP6mo ago
yes Shikhar... i too was looking for error code 10000 but unable to find any. so reached out to you. so what should be next steps here? how can we get to bottom of this?
shikharTS6mo ago
Can you post the whole response along with headers? Also the time when you are trying this out. That might help us look internally in our logs
Murali Krishna
Murali KrishnaOP6mo ago
Sure... we have added log. will get back once i have entire response.... should i be creating a support tickt?
shikharTS6mo ago
I think we can discuss here. Let me go through the response and will let you know if a support ticket is required?
Murali Krishna
Murali KrishnaOP5mo ago
@shikharTS This is the response i got POST https://virsec.thoughtspot.cloud/api/rest/2.0/groups/3ee03330-3b36-4e4a-87b9-58c2ef09e9d1/delete RESPONSE: 500 {'error': {'message': {'debug': {'code': 10000, 'incident_id_guid': '04d54c3f-9928-4c8c-810a-3314c6c00b02', 'trace_id_guid': '04d54c3f-9928-4c8c-810a-3314c6c00b02', 'debug': '[null]'}}}}
shikharTS5mo ago
Checking Ok so I got the issue. This will need a patch on TS side. This is an intermittent error that is fixed now and the team knows about this. I will need you to create a TS support ticket for this to get the fix to your cluster. I will let our SREs know that this needs to be fixed. cc @sainadh
Murali Krishna
Murali KrishnaOP5mo ago
Thank you shikhar. I have filed the bug https://community.thoughtspot.com/s/case/500Uk00000HvE65IAF/intermittent-apirest20groups-reponding-error-code-10000-with-debug-null Will this patch also fix if issue is seen on other apis?
shikharTS5mo ago

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