Created by Corey on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Possible to manually bundle Filament's JavaScript assets instead of relying on @filamentScripts ?
We're working on a project where we need to support older mobile browsers (e.g iOS Safari 13) which don't support some modern JavaScript features (e.g null coalesce operator). How we're handling this with other assets is by building them with Vite and targeting an older version of ES via @vitejs/plugin-legacy, however Filament's JS assets are precompiled (targeting ES2020) and included directly. We're hoping there's a way to prevent Filament from including these precompiled assets so we can include them in our own asset pipeline and target our desired version of JavaScript, but this doesn't seem to be mentioned in the docs. Ideally we'd like to do it in the same way Livewire allows us to: If this is not possible, is there a way we can configure the version of ES which is used by esbuild in Filament's existing asset pipeline? Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide 🙏
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