JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
and maintenance supplier has an extra UC which is repair the vending machine
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
marcel has an extra UC which is supply the vending machine
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
Client has a UC buy drink, which extends get money back and includs put money in and also includes choose drink
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
and my use case diagram looks like:
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
Maintenance suppliers are a sub type of marcel with additional functionality (repair vending machine)
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
marcel is a sub type of Client with additional functionality (supplyu vending machine)
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
Client is the system actor
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/23/2024 in #java-help
Use Case Diagram Question:
My answer is:
12 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/18/2024 in #java-help
Help with interfaces/ inheritance
Are you sure
11 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/18/2024 in #java-help
Help with interfaces/ inheritance
I didn't understand this
11 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 12/18/2024 in #java-help
Help with interfaces/ inheritance
You need polimorphysm and hierarchical use of data for inheritance to come in discussion
11 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
well just put those tags in ur general file
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
they changed it
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
this is the right syntax btw
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
th:replace="~{header.html :: header}"
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
kinda pointless imo
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
pointless to have useless divs
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
nah rather do th:block
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
yeah so I can have one general.html with multiple fragments
63 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
•Created by userexit on 11/3/2024 in #java-help
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
63 replies