DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Phantomstar on 2/2/2025 in #djs-questions
How to properly pass Sequelize table into command handler?
I am sure this is very straightforward and I am just missing the obvious, but I am using the discord.js walkthrough to setup a keyword system using Sequelize. I have also configured the event handler and command handler setups as recommended previously in the guide, so all my events/commands are in unique files. The guide shows how to add sequelize data when done all directly in your index.js file, but if I am trying to make it a separate command how do I properly require the sequelize table I defined as "Keywords" in my "ready.js" event handler file when setting up the add command as a separate "keyadd.js" command file? Any help greatly appreciated! Here is my current command file to add the keyword: const { SlashCommandBuilder, MessageFlags } = require('discord.js'); const { modRoleID } = require('../../config.json'); const { Keywords } = require('../../index'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('keyadd') .setDescription('Adds a new trigger word to storage.') .addStringOption(option => option .setName('keyword') .setDescription('The trigger word to add.') .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption(option => option .setName('response') .setDescription('The response for this keyword.') .setRequired(true) ), async execute(interaction) { // Check if the member has the required mod role (or higher) const modRole = interaction.guild.roles.cache.get(modRoleID); if (!modRole) { return await interaction.reply({ content: 'Moderator role not found in this server.', flags: MessageFlags.Ephemeral }); } if (interaction.member.roles.highest.position < modRole.position) { return await interaction.reply({ content: 'You do not have permission to use this command.', flags: MessageFlags.Ephemeral }); } const keyword = interaction.options.getString('keyword'); const response = interaction.options.getString('response'); const msgTime = new Date(); try { const key = await Keywords.create({ name: keyword, last: msgTime, response: response }); await interaction.reply(Keyword `${}` added at `${key.last}`.); } catch (e) { if ( === 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError') { return await interaction.reply({ content: 'That keyword already exists.', flags: MessageFlags.Ephemeral }); } return await interaction.reply({ content: Something went wrong with adding the keyword: ${e}, flags: MessageFlags.Ephemeral }); } }, };
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