Created by MazeEzam on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Table TextInput Conditionally Disabled
Hi I have a table in a Relation Manager, it has a textInputColumn (price) and textColumn (status). I would like the textInputColoum to be disabled based on the state of the textColumn (status). i.e. Status = validated, textInputColumn = Disabled. I couldn't see anything in the Docs re this, thanks in advance.
4 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 2/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Form ->live() Not Working
HI Again, I have a field that the user needs to enter an increase value, I want this value to save on blur. I believe after reading the docs ->live() will do the job. I have the below code and it doesn't save to the Data Base on Blur but the afterStateUpdated() function does work? Am I missing something obvious here??
Forms\Components\TextInput::make('increase_percent')->label('% Increase')
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function (?string $state, ?string $old) {
->title('Price Increase Adjusted From ' . $old . ' to' . $state)
Forms\Components\TextInput::make('increase_percent')->label('% Increase')
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function (?string $state, ?string $old) {
->title('Price Increase Adjusted From ' . $old . ' to' . $state)
18 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 2/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Export Action - Lifecycle Hooks
Hi All Ok, so I am using the prebuilt export action and I would like to update certain values in the DB for the rows that are exported. i.e. status Draft - Exported. Couldn't see anything in the Docs, Is there a lifecycle hook I can use here or is there a better way to tackle this? Thanks in advance.
11 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 1/31/2024 in #❓┊help
Export Action - Update Table Rows
Hi All Ok, so using the prebuilt export action I would then like to update certain values in the DB for the rows that are exported. i.e. status Draft - Exported. Couldn't see anything in the Docs, Is there a lifecycle hook I can use here or is there a better way to tackle this? Thanks in advance.
2 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 1/31/2024 in #❓┊help
Export action update table rows after successful export
Hi All Ok, so using the prebuilt export action I would then like to update the status value on a successful export. i.e. the row status column is = Draft before the export action is called, after a successful export I would like to update it to Exported.
Is there a lifecycle hook I can use here or is there a better way to tackle this? Thanks in advance.
2 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 1/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Export Action Table Creation - Bug?
I am trying to use the pre built export table action, I have followed the instruction to create the required migrations and exporter found here. I can add an action to a table and the process attempts to export but then fails and throws this error I have looked at the migrations that have been run and it appears it has installed the Import tables but not the Export tables? Not sure if I have done something incorrectly here or if it is a bug?
INFO Running migrations.
2024_01_24_040457_create_job_batches_table ........................................................... 20ms DONE 2024_01_24_040508_create_notifications_table ......................................................... 11ms DONE 2024_01_24_040518_create_imports_table ................................................................ 9ms DONE 2024_01_24_040519_create_failed_import_rows_table ..................................................... 8ms DONE Thanks in advance for any help.
16 replies
Created by MazeEzam on 1/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Text Input Column Notification
Hi I would like to display a notification when a Table Text Input Column is updated, I couldn't see anything in the documentation so I thought I would try my luck here. Thanks in Advance
25 replies