Problem creating Custom Field rendering Livewire
I resolved my issue. We can refer
5 replies
Problem creating Custom Field rendering Livewire
@LeandroFerreira issue is straight forward..... I am trying to create a custom field. But I would like to bind the data used in the Livewire with the field name. wire:model="{{ $getStatePath() }}" used in the livewire rendering is giving the mentioned error. Object of class Closure could not be converted to string.
5 replies
Filament Shield: 1 Same Model in 2 Filament Resource
Sheild has a way to have custom permissions for each resource. So maybe you can create permissions with slghtly different names for each resource and then select accordingly. Further in your Model policy file develope the conditional logic accordingly.
4 replies
Filament Teams with Some Multi-Tenancy Features
You need to basically create three panels. First panel is could be default panel (admin panel). Second you can create UserPanel and third is your Tenant panel. Try to setup multitenancy between User panel and Tenant panel. Use roles and permission to make clear separation between users with multi-tenancy. And users who will be respobsible for managing platform. Only they can access this Admin panel provider. Ofcourse you can setup rolses and permissions within this group of users.
9 replies
How to use filament component in front-end of website?
You should use only @FilamentStyles
I am using it. Further, to use any blade component as given in Filament blade, you can just use as per documentation. But to you forms, table, actions and more you would need livewire or any filament custom pages and follow documentation of using forms, table, action etc in livewire.
7 replies
MorphToSelect is too slow
I realised using Preload() is the problem. I removed and I see significant jump. But still i was wondering if i am using preload() with ->optionsLimit(5), then there should not be an issue but i see my page just hangs when i try typing .
6 replies