Created by ashar on 12/18/2023 in #❓┊help
passing dynamic data
i hace a booking resource in which i am calling a component. public \App\Models\Session $session; public function __construct(BookingService $bookingService) { $this->bookingService = $bookingService; } public function mount($session): void { $this->session = $session; } component action ->actions([ Action::make('viewItems')->view('filament.actions.view-items', [ 'sessionId' => 1, 'style' => 'link', ])->hidden( fn($record) => (!$record->isActive() $record->isCancelled() $record->isCompleted()) ), how can i pass this sessionId dynamic ?? right now its static
7 replies
Created by ashar on 12/15/2023 in #❓┊help
adding input in component
This is a component . public function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->query(function (VoucherService $voucherService) { return ($voucherService->sessionVoucherQuery($this->record->id)); }) ->columns([ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('name')->label('Name'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('')->label('Table Name'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('voucherable.gameTable.type')->label('Table Type'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('voucherable.sub_total')->label('Sub Total'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('voucherable.overtime_amount')->label('Overtime'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('voucherable.quantity')->label('Quantity'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('')->label('Total'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('')->label('Total'), ]) ->filters([ // ]) ->actions([ Button::make('View')->click(fn ($model) => $this->viewAction($model)), ]) ->bulkActions([ Tables\Actions\BulkActionGroup::make([ // ]), ]); } public function render(): View { return view('livewire.session-billing-view'); } } can i add here a input field where i will calculate the total . Just need to render a field . unable to do it .
2 replies
Created by ashar on 12/15/2023 in #❓┊help
extract code .
how can i extract a component function in a custom page so there is no need to copy function .
2 replies
Created by ashar on 12/8/2023 in #❓┊help
action not working
public function endGame() { return Action::make('End') ->icon('heroicon-m-no-symbol') ->color('danger') ->action(function (array $data, SessionService $sessionService): void { $sessionService->addGame($this->session, $data); }); } public function addGame(Session $session, array $data): Model { dd(123); $data['start_time'] = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(); $this->endOngoingGame($session, GameTable::find($data['game_table_id'])); return $session->sessionGames()->create($data); } not coming in function . if it comes it should show dump 123
13 replies
Created by ashar on 11/22/2023 in #❓┊help
i have two fields Forms\Components\Select::make('account_id')->options((new ExpenseService())->getAccounts())->placeholder('Please select a debit account'),
Forms\Components\Hidden::make('name')->default(), how can i use llive() on account so what ever the account is, the name defuault column gets updated with it
15 replies
Created by ashar on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
how to pass custom data in resource create method
i am stuck . cant find how to pass custom data in resource create method
2 replies
Created by ashar on 11/20/2023 in #❓┊help
ALternate to Repaater
IS there any alternate to repeater in filament
4 replies