Created by Alex'R on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
Redirect to the same resource after selecting a Tenant
You made my day, thanks a lot 🙂
12 replies
Created by Alex'R on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
Redirect to the same resource after selecting a Tenant
Yeah I see. The most important page is the index resource, It looks logical a user can not go to an another edit or view page.
12 replies
Created by Alex'R on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
Redirect to the same resource after selecting a Tenant
Nice ! Thanks you very much. It works perfectly 🙂 🙂
12 replies
Created by Alex'R on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
Redirect to the same resource after selecting a Tenant
Okay, so maybe a custom tenant menu is the best idea. my users have the same permissions for all tenants so I can just keep the base url to redirect on the same after tenant change.
12 replies
Created by HM on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
Multi panel
Hi, just use ->visible on column with a closure and your condition to return a boolean
2 replies
Created by kabu on 2/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Its possible to set the panel color by database ?
you're welcome
10 replies
Created by kabu on 2/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Its possible to set the panel color by database ?
in boot method of course
10 replies
Created by kabu on 2/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Its possible to set the panel color by database ?
and inside you can register your colors with FilamentColor::register(['primary' => Colors::Blue]);
10 replies
Created by kabu on 2/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Its possible to set the panel color by database ?
Hi, in a serviceProvider, use Filament::serving(function () {})
10 replies
Created by Alex'R on 2/13/2025 in #❓┊help
Edit RelationManager pivot array data
->modalHeading(fn($record): string => __('', ['name' => $this->getOwnerRecord()->name, 'provider' => $record->name]))
fn($record, $form) => $form->fill($record->pivot->toArray())
->modalHeading(fn($record): string => __('', ['name' => $this->getOwnerRecord()->name, 'provider' => $record->name]))
fn($record, $form) => $form->fill($record->pivot->toArray())
4 replies
Created by Alex'R on 2/13/2025 in #❓┊help
Edit RelationManager pivot array data
I've found solution. I need to mount my EditAction with pivot to array
4 replies
Created by Lloyd on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Image Postprocessing
if you want the file is public, you should use public as FILESYSTEM_DISK in your .env and use php artisan storage:link, instead you can use publicly
9 replies
Created by Lloyd on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Image Postprocessing
explore your storage folder and you get the path with storage_path() method
9 replies
Created by Lloyd on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Image Postprocessing
depends of your storage configuration
9 replies
Created by Lloyd on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Image Postprocessing
you can do it in handleRecordCreation or handleRecordEdition method :
9 replies
Created by Lloyd on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Image Postprocessing
Hi, your file has not yet been uploaded, it is in the temporary files. It's up to you to determine the path in which you want to store it. You can, however, retrieve the file name.
9 replies